Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Homemade Almond Butter


Let me just say that this recipe is easy...delicious...and necessary for all those who are obsessed with almond butter, like me. I mean, why would you go to the store and buy a jar of organic almond butter for like 15 bucks when you could just buy almonds in bulk and make your own.

Think about it. It is a win-win-win situation. How? You save yourself from eating the Skippy's and the Jiff...which is gross. You save money, and who doesn't love that. And if you have self control (unlike me), you can just make small batches, so you never have to worry about binge eating or it going bad.

What you need:
Almonds (both raw and roasted)
Food processor (or blender)

Add 1 cup raw almonds and about 1/3 cup roasted almonds to food processor.
Turn on food processor to chop nuts.
After a few minutes, it should look like this:

Keep the food processor going and periodically scrape the the sides.

When the almonds start forming a ball (the part where the almond oil is being released) keep hanging on because you are in the home stretch. This happens anywhere between 10-15 mins after starting.

Finally, you will see it becoming creaming and looking so delicious.
Now, turn it off and grab your spatula. The almond butter is warm and gooey, making it really easy to put in a jar. Everything should easily fit into a 1/2 pint jar.

Enjoy on a sandwich with bananas, honey, and cinnamon. Or with some apple slices. Or by the spoonful.

Love, Heika

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